Friday, January 07, 2011


"Perhaps I will stay with you awhile, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go."  1 Corinthians 16:6
One of the things I love about winter is the peacefulness of it. My body automatically wants to slow down...snuggle in...stay warm. I crave a steamy mug of hot apple cider, a warm blanket, and a good, long book. 

As I went outside today to take pictures, I went with the assignment to find "quiet beauty and rest". I found these Black-eyed Susan seed pods just off my back porch. To look at them you'd never know that just a few months ago they were vibrant yellow flowers. But there's a dignity in their form now, and the promise of new growth in the Spring.

They're at rest.

It gives me hope that during the winter seasons of my own life there's more going on than what appears on the surface. That even when things seem dead and lifeless, there is still hope. It is good to go through these resting seasons. New adventures are just around the corner!

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