Wednesday, January 05, 2011

mirror, mirror

Women have a love-hate relationship with their mirrors. At least this one does. Nevertheless, most of us would readily admit to checking ourselves before walking out the door.

Today I was to find an everyday object to celebrate...something that I use daily. I was going to attempt taking a good picture of my journal, pen and bible, but that seemed too obvious. And I never could get the right angle to save my life. But as I was getting dressed this morning the mirror quickly drew my attention. How often had I used it to do my makeup, check my hair, and pluck those unruly eyebrows? How many times had I frowned at the newest wrinkle? Made stupid faces that would make my kids howl with laughter? Made sure my double chin wasn't sprouting a triplet? *sigh*

Thank God who I am on the outside is not who I am on the inside. For God has called me "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). What's another wrinkle when my Creator has called me His special treasure?

I think I'll go practice more silly faces. Somewhere I heard that laughter does good like medicine. ;0)

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