Tuesday, March 16, 2010


so last night after i said prayers with becca she asked me what my worst habit was. i told her i didn't really know (but of course i had a few things in mind), and then asked her what SHE thought my worst habit was. (now, we all know that it's dangerous to ask a child a question like this, because they don't have the same "filters" adults do and will tell you EXACTLY what they think...but i couldn't resist.)
"well, you don't do maddie's hair anymore," she said.
"hmmm...," i replied. "so what do you think is my best habit?" i asked.
"you LOVE your quiet time mom. you really, really love your quiet time, and talking to God," she said.
that absolutely made my week. it's good to know that even though i don't take time to do hair anymore (what planet was she on last week when i was braiding her AND her sister's hair btw???), that at least my other priorities are in line! haha...

when i asked her what she thought her worst habit was she said...
"saying 'moooo' all the time."
alrighty then! i hadn't even noticed she did this, but just to demonstrate, she began to make the most excellent cow sounds imaginable. yep, now it's all coming back to me...

her best habit in her mind is her love of crafts. she loves to paint, draw, color, sculpt...you name it she loves it. all three of my kids have artistic ability, but becca is the only one who really loves it as much as i do. so cool to see her gifts develop right under our noses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm talking about: love for Christ that is so transparent that everyone can see it. I hope I can be somewhat like you when I get older. :)