Thursday, March 18, 2010


if you had unlimited resources at your disposal, what would you do with them? buy a yacht? hire a maid? go on a trip around the world?

we've all heard the question before.

but what if...what if...

what if we dared to dream?

i had an unusual dream one night that the Lord brought back to my mind yesterday. it was a really odd dream actually. i was in a multi-storied building in the middle of a city that was exclusively made just for teens. the bottom floor had a huge dance floor and a stage for live bands. somewhere on another floor there was a really amazing food court. and the upper floor contained different rooms for creative expression. i remember there was an art studio, and a basketball court, and other rooms used for instruction in various things. everywhere you looked there were teens, and there were adult mentors available just to hang out and talk with. it was an extraordinary facility, but not because of all the physical things it had to offer. no, the extraordinary part was that i KNEW that this was a place that was equipped to pull the treasure out of our youth. this was a place where they could safely explore who God had created them to be. the whole goal of the place was to create an environment for potential - to encourage not only their spiritual well-being, but also to recognize and encourage unique giftings in each young person.

it was a place for dreams.

in my dream i remember walking and jumping from one place to another...floating and jumping and watching. i felt lighter than air, because the atmosphere was so charged with hope.

how i would love to see this particular dream become reality...

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