Thursday, February 25, 2010


so, just for the record i hate taking the time to capitalize sentences. completely stops the flow of creativity for me sometimes. besides, this just looks more humble as well...

i'm a child of God (yep - i capitalize for Him and Jesus...oh and the Holy Spirit), a wife of almost 20 years, a mom of three, a carb junkie, a teen lover, a mentor and a friend. i like creative things from writing to painting to singing in my truck. i love the color blue. my eyes are green, even though my parents eyes were blue. i'm an optimist. i love people...

i love God.

i love getting "in the ditch" with people who are struggling...especially this incredibly precious next generation coming up under me. they have so much potential - so much LIFE held within them. i'm trying to teach them to use their powers for good instead of evil. ;) there's enough of that in the world already to just ruin everything.

i love quotes. i love wisdom and understanding and finding treasure in dark places. i love the promises of God. i have anxiety sometimes. i can be too hard on myself and others and...God's not done with me yet.

i dream of having a little house down the road from me with an overgrown yard full of wildflowers, a quaint kitchen and lots of windows to let natural light in. you know, so i can paint. a place where i wouldn't have to put anything away - a place to call my own. i think i'd have bright yellow curtains in the windows...perhaps checked blue ones in the kitchen. there'd be mismatched china in the cupboards i could pull out when friends come over. and we'd have tea and cookies. and i'd show off my latest painting and wonder if they really like it or are being nice.

it doesn't matter really. creating makes me feel close to my Creator.

thanks for stopping by...hope you've had a pleasant visit.

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