i'm mentoring a fabulous young woman right now. she's being raised by her dad, and for reasons unknown to me, her mom has decided not to be a regular part of her life. and that makes me so sad, but...
God has chosen me to love her.
so friday we'll be celebrating her birthday. and i've been wracking my brain for a great present for her for a couple of weeks now. she loves owls - yes, OWLS, and so i hopped online to see what kind of owl-ly fabric i could find. i found some at etsy.com that i thought she'd love...paid more than i wanted, but she's worth it. ;) after giving her the choice of pillows or a quilt, she decided she wanted me to make her a quilt. which is a good thing because...
i want her to have a grown-up lovey.
i want her to feel loved when she wraps it around herself when she's cold or lonely or afraid and life doesn't make sense. i want her to remember each time she sees it that God has tucked her into my heart. and as i put it all together the next couple of weeks i'm gonna pray over it too.
we went to the fabric store today to find coordinating fabric. i think she's just as excited about this quilt as i am. she found the most deliciously soft fabric for the backing. it's white...just like the color of her favorite owl.
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