Sunday, February 27, 2011

do you have the time?

"(Mothers), do not exasperate your children;" Ephesians 6:4

One of the most valuable things we can do for our kids, especially as they become teenagers, is to make special time for them. One-on-one time. Face time.

I haven't done a very good job in that area over the past couple of months, especially for my middle daughter Madison. She called me on the carpet for it the other know, for making time for everything and everyone but her. And I had to admit that she was right. And that was wrong. And so I headed to my calendar to fix my errant behavior. We had a date set for Thursday afternoon, and come hell or high water, we were gonna have some fun together!

And then...

My youngest daughter Rebecca became ill. She was sick for days, in fact. When I took her to the doctor yesterday, we found out she actually has walking pneumonia. Ugh. When I finally returned home from the doctor's office and the local CVS, I broke the news to Maddie that we weren't going out after all. Becca was running a high fever, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her with her brother. And my middlest had a melt-down. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed she was. She really wanted to spend some alone time with me. So with the promise of breakfast the next morning, and shopping to her heart's content, we agreed to "try again tomorrow."

For those parents that believe that once your children become teens they don't "need" you as much, I would beg to differ. My teens seem to need me more now than when they were toddlers. I've loved every season they've gone through, but I truly love these years the best. So far they're bearing good fruit. Don't get me wrong...they're far from perfect, and so am I. But it's exciting to come alongside them in this season as more of a "coach" than a parent. Maddie and her brother Austin are on the cusp of adulthood, and beginning to make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. My prayer is that they'll continue to want to spend time with us, share their lives with us, and look for our input when they have tough adult choices to make.

We ended up going to lunch instead of breakfast. I woke up at 3:30am, and couldn't go back to sleep until around 6:30am. I finally crawled out of bed stiff and tired at 10am. But we continued to make the best of things. Two cups of coffee and a hot shower later, we finally left the house. I took her to one of my favorite places, This Whole House, located in quaint downtown Summerville, SC. The food was delicious and the company divine. I even ran into a couple of friends from my Creative Memories days! The manager was so friendly, and even let me take some pics of her store. (Pssssttt...she's trying to sell her place to spend more time with her hubby.) You should drop in if you're ever nearby.

Lord, help me to cherish these days, for I know they are fleeting. One day my home will be empty, my schedule not so full, and I will wish for these days with teenagers once more. Help me to number my days aright, and give me a heart of wisdom. Amen.

Friday, February 25, 2011

an onion kind of day

I was taking my daughter Madison to her small group tonight when I began noticing the darkness all around me. We're driving along, and I'm noticing EVERYTHING. Shadow, contrast, headlights from oncoming cars...road signs. Somehow I want to learn how to capture good clear nighttime images with my camera. It's frustrating. I want to take a picture that will "see" as I see. I want it to be crystal clear, with no blurriness. I want to capture the light that shines out from the darkness. Is that too much to ask? *insert pleading tone here*

My mind is constantly working in metaphors. I suppose that's just how God speaks to me the most. He is also trying to get me to "see" as He sees. It's a constant battle, I assure you. But on those rare days that I do perceive as He does, it's like the floodgates of light and understanding, clarity and revelation come rushing into my thirsty heart. I get the supply I need for the day, and even have overflow to share with those around me. I love living life out of the overflow of what He provides! There's nothing quite like it.

Clarity. That's my word for this year. I had no idea when I picked up this digital camera that I would be immersed in a completely different world. I'm learning how to truly see. I'm learning to appreciate the details and celebrate the everyday. I'm learning consistency, and I'm being creatively challenged. Some days are frustrating. My youngest daughter Rebecca has been sick for the past couple of days, and today she ran a high fever. I stayed close to home. I ended up with about 23 pictures of a blooming onion today, and no, I'm not talking about the delicious appetizer at Outback. I'm talking about a real onion that has grown nice green shoots. (Maddie wants to plant it...) I appreciate the color, as it reminds me of Spring. Lord knows we're all ready to see that around here. And other than giving me an appreciation for onion skin, my compositions fell flat on their faces today. My daily pic I chose to edit and post today was from my Charleston trip three days ago. Oh well. Days like this are bound to happen.

That's just how life is I suppose. Some days my life is full of onions and isn't as "composed" as I'd like it to be. Sometimes it can be downright ugly! Some days are breathtaking and beautiful. Others are simply ordinary. But when I step far enough back to get His perspective, I can see the tapestry of grace He's designing all around me. The dark and the light and the contrast. And my heart is at peace once more because I know He holds the plan. All things do work together for good for those who love the Lord.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I wonder how many people walk by this fire hydrant every day. And each day it waits, a steady beacon of hope in the middle of a busy city. Ignored for the most part by pedestrians and motorists alike. It's only in the event of an emergency that it is used to it's fullest intent, and at that point everyone is glad this little hydrant is ready and available for service.

I was having a discussion recently with a young friend of mine. She was having to make some tough choices, and over and over again I kept hearing in my heart, "She's stronger than she thinks she is." I felt the touch of God on this thought, so I shared it with her. Most times we don't know what is truly residing in our hearts until a crisis hits. We don't know the provision God has already placed there until it's time to make a withdrawal.

1 Corinthians 10:13 promises:

"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."

He will show you a way out. When you're facing a brick wall, there's a ladder somewhere. When situations seem completely out of control, and your emotions are on fire - He's the cool water to your soul. Our job is to look for him in the midst of the chaos.